When to Select Single User Setup
You should select this option if
you have credentials (username and password) to sign in into cloud accounts you want to sync, backup or integrate.
For example, select this option if you want to:
- You want to sync or backup Google Drive accounts for which you have credentials (username and password) with Amazon S3
- You want to sync or backup your Microsoft 365 SharePoint
- You are a Saleforce admin and you want to backup all Salesforce records and files (Salesforce admin have access to all files)
When to Select IT Admin Multiple User Setup
You should select this option if you are an IT admin of your company (i.e., you are
Google Apps admin,
Microsoft 365 admin, etc.) and you want to
set up sharing, sync, or backup for
all cloud accounts used in your company. For example, if you are a Google Apps admin of domain
@acme.com and you want
to setup sync, share, or backup for users
alice@acme.com, etc.
Here are some examples:
- You want set up Google Apps label sharing for everybody in the company without bothering them to setup cloudHQ account
- You want to back up all Microsoft 365 Mail accounts to Amazon S3
- You want to back up or sync all Google Drive accounts