Use Zapier to get your favorite apps like Basecamp and Egnyte completly integrated.
One popular use case might be: all your Basecamp files are 100% in sync with your Egnyte. So if you add something to Egnyte, files will be automatically uploaded into Basecamp.
We've spent more four years making cloudHQ the most reliable, secure and easiest way to make your apps talk to eachother!
One popular use case might be: all your Basecamp files are 100% in sync with your Egnyte. So if you add something to Egnyte, files will be automatically uploaded into Basecamp.
We've spent more four years making cloudHQ the most reliable, secure and easiest way to make your apps talk to eachother!
As an added bonus, your data is confidential because we use state of the art security protocols.
We insist on maintaining multiple levels of security to protect and backup your files.
We already sync over 10,000,000 files a day, so join the “bring your own service” revolution and start syncing your data now!