Integrate your Gmail with Dropbox so that you can have an easy backup of all your emails in an automated way!
Features & Benefits:
- cloudHQ ensures that all your Gmail emails and attachments are immediately saved to Dropbox. Tip: Saving emails in a pdf format is an excellent trick to archive important conversations which would be easily printable. Just check the .pdf format box when creating your sync pair!
- You can specify the format you want to save your email attachments in (i.e. pdf, jpeg) to preserve the quality you're looking for. This is an important feature for anyone who has photos they want to backup.
- Migration: Upload a large number of files (maybe PDF or DOC files) from a folder in Dropbox into your Gmail. Just setup one-way sync from Dropbox to Gmail.
- You can create labels in your Gmail to synchronize with a specific Dropbox folder. In a two-way sync, whatever you put in your Gmail label will automatically be synced to your Dropbox folder, and vice versa on a continual basis.
- You can create your Gmail label directly in cloudHQ when you set up your sync pair (Gmail ⇔ Dropbox).
- A Gmail label is like your "notes" folder on the left hand sidebar in your Gmail, but you can name it to something like "clientXphotos" or whatever you choose!
As an added bonus, your data is confidential because we use state of the art security protocols.
We insist on maintaining multiple levels of security to protect and backup your files.
We already sync over 10,000,000 files a day, so join the “bring your own service” revolution and start syncing your data now!