Our mantra: Consolidate all your data in the cloud, make a secure backup of your cloud data, and improve collaboration. And our seamless integration between Salesforce and Box accounts is what delivers.
Our unique features that no other service offers:
- All your Salesforce accounts, contacts, opportunities, leads, reports etc. will be in your Box account. Exported and copied exported in real time (as soon as record is changed in Salesforce). And in any format you prefer: by contact or by master list, as pdf, csv, or HTML. You'll always have your information available and ready to access whenever you want to.
- New files and modifications of a file from Box are synchronized and uploaded into Salesforce. And vice versa: files from Salesforce are uploaded into Box. This is includes Salesforce notes, Salesforce documents, and Salesforce / Chatter files. We believe that people can work in any platform that makes them most productive. You choose what you want to work in- they'll both be updated in real-time with each other.
- You'll have a full backup of your Salesforce in Box, because you always want to keep a backup of your important files in case they get lost.
- Everyting is in the cloud and 100% transaprent to you. You can still use Salesforce and Box in same way as before - but data will be magically copied and integrated between these cloud accounts.
You can trust our reliability: Already, over 1 Billion files are synchronized with cloudHQ everyday!
As an added bonus, your data is confidential because we use state of the art security protocols.
We insist on maintaining multiple levels of security to protect and backup your files.
We already sync over 10,000,000 files a day, so join the “bring your own service” revolution and start syncing your data now!